This photo reminds me of a character from Dr Suess book :)
and leading the singing
Welcome to the Fall River BBC Blog. It started as an email newsletter but evolved quickly to a blog! A way of keeping the members up to date with what happens each week at brekkie - just in case you missed something because you weren’t quite awake, or missed the meeting altogether!!
This photo reminds me of a character from Dr Suess book :)
For some reason the fourth seat seemed to be The Hot Seat -
Jonathan (Elle's hubby)'s turn . . .
Paul Butler was there too - I missed that shot.
And even the dogs got in on the act :)
Anybody else get any photos they want to share - send them to me and I will upload them.
Comments, anyone?
It was a quiet meeting this morning, partly due to the fact that some of the group were Net-ing (networking without the work!) at the Please Take My Card Event last night which Lori & the team at AMI hosted. An excellent concept and a great turn-out for their first event in Halifax. Great job, Lori!
This morning, as part of our Elevator Speeches, people were asked to tell us about their Ideal Customer.
The responses were as follows:
Hopefully that gives us all a little more information about each other's customers & prospects. If we recognise them when we are out & about, we can bring in some quality referrals for each other. It may also get you thinking . . . . do you know who your Ideal Customer is?
That's about it for this week - don't forget there is no meeting next week (the 22nd) because of the Network event at Holiday Inn, Kearney Lake. See you there.
More details to follow via email.
RSVPs would be appreciated
The 100 Year Lifestyle Bill mentioned that he wants to live to be 100. I believe this book is an excellent read if you are planning on doing the same - or anywhere near it!
Network Event
Anyone who has not let me know about their plans to attend (or not) the Network Event on November 21st, please do so asap. A simple 'Yay or Nay' is all that's requested!
Be remarkable.
Ask referrers (or potential referrers) how you might best refer them. Try to understand their business so you can describe it in a way that is likely to get them business (maybe you ask them for a copy of their elevator speech). If you think it might be helpful, plan a meeting with other members, have a coffee and a chat and find out what they do & how they do it.
Ask them to confirm your understanding. And, don't forget the obvious: Be sure you have their phone numbers, email addresses, and any other relevant details you'll need to pull off a referral.
Book of the Week ~ Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy
One of my favourite topics - only one of a multitude of books on this topic but I chose this one as Brian Tracy is one of my favourite authors! This book synthesizes the best and most practical techniques for setting and achieving personal and financial goals. Tracy explains the seven key elements of goal setting and the twelve steps necessary to accomplish them, encouraging readers to use their strengths to define their values and to align their abilities with the particular opportunities presented to them. More here
That’s it for this week! See you all at next week ~ LNR.
No explanation necessary!
Book of the Week ~ The Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create Life Balance Through Proven Principles, by James Arthur Ray
Success...the most sought after secret of the ages. For centuries science, religion, theology, psychology and sociology have tried to capture the true meaning of life and the path to its fulfillment. James Ray shows you that the most simple answers to your quest lie deep within you, like a lock, waiting to be opened by the right combination. . . . read more at
That’s it for this week – have a great week, enjoy the good weather and let me know if you have any other info you would like to add to the blog! Why not start a conversation - add a comment to the blog.
See you all at next week ~ LNR.
It was great to see a few referrals going across the groups this morning – 9 of the 16 referrals were cross-referrals i.e. to people outside their regular club. MaryBeth donated the Referral prize (an Ergonomic Assessment) and Jeff tried to give it away – not because he didn’t want it!! Thanks MB
Referral Tip of the Week ~Dress for success.
Dress and behave so the person you're asking is comfortable with having a friend or business associate contact you. Take a long look in the mirror. Do you look like success?
This morning was a great example of dressing for success! So many sharp-dressed men in that room this morning – no wonder I was blushing (and you all thought it was because of my unplanned joke!). And the women – well, don’t we always look good?
Book of the Week First Things First: To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave a Legacy
Stephen Covey along with A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca Merrill take a different approach to time management and look at priorities at the deepest level. By knowing what is first on your list, it allows you to focus on important work that provides huge benefits. This is a great one to listen to on tape.
This Week’s Speaker
This week’s speaker was Lori Fougere. Lori is Atlantic Business Manager for AMI, a company based in Ontario. Lori did a great job telling us all about their project Fridge Friends - Canada’s Only Magnetic Pages. As we saw from the magnets Lori passed around, some of the members in the group have already adopted this form of advertising and – as per Jeff’s testimonial – have had results!
Now that we all know a little more about Lori’s business, please work on bringing in a referral for Lori next week. Email Lori or call her @ 576-2793 for more info.
Next week’s speaker
Catherine Fitzsimmons will be speaking on September 27th (the week after the Networking event).
This week we had 7 referrals. The winner of the Speaker gift this week was Jerry Murphy. Thanks Lori for bringing your gift in!
I forgot to mention in last week’s newsletter Dee Govang was the winner of the Speaker Gift - Joan has your gift Dee!
News This Week
This week we had another guest – Liz Curran is a Photographer and runs her own business called Mind’s Eye Images. We look forward to Liz joining us again when she returns from her vacation.
Bill Munden of Advantage Frame & Mirror returned this week and plans to join us on a regular basis.
Referral Tip of the week ~ Write down what you do.
If you don't have a good elevator speech, or if you haven't written it out clearly, chances are the people you ask for referrals won't know how to refer you. We all have one in the group but, once in a while, take the time to review it – how long is it? Does it defines your target market; describe the problems they have to have solved; and how you solve them? If not, it needs work!
And then be sure you write it down, so you can give people that written description. Then you'll know they have it right. We all know, if you want someone else to tout what you do, you'd best make sure they know what you do.
Book of the Week ~ The Power of Focus - How to Hit Your Business & Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt.
. . . This book reveals the proven techniques thousands of people have used to attain all of the money they wanted while living healthy, happy and balanced lives. The Power of Focus is a practical no-nonsense guide that shows readers how to reach their business, personal and financial goals without getting burned out in the process. . . .
There is also a Power of Focus for Women version – both books have been a part of my reference library for years – a source of info that I refer to time and time again.
Find out more at
If you would like to share a book recommendation, send me the info.
That’s it for this week – please send comments, suggestions, feedback to me.
See you all at Ashburn Golf Club next week ~ LNR.
News This Week