Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jingle Bells

I wish I had brought a video camera this morning! Some things will stay in your mind for a long time. The sight of 18 adults - never mind Business Owners/Execs!! - shaking Jingle Bells & singing is one of those.

What a laugh we had - well it is Christmas week.
Here is a sample of what went on.

This photo reminds me of a character from Dr Suess book :)

Twas the week before Christmas
- my version of a very famous story we all know!

Thanks to Everyone for getting in the Spirit

& a great big TY to Maestro Louise for supplying the Jingle Bells
and leading the singing
(see the previous post for the 12 Days of Christmas)

& TY to Joan too for bringing the camera!


See you on Jan 2nd

12 Days of Christmas

On the 12th day of Christmas, I got from BBC:

12 Children Dancing;
11 Coaching Sessions;
10 Mutual Funds;
9 Hands-on Healers;
8 Cakes & Cosmetics;
7 Day Cruises;
6 Framed Photos;
5 Handymen;
4 Smiling Dogs;
3 Fridge Friends;
2 Laker Ads;

and a Lawyer for my Morgaged New Home!!!!!!

Many Thanks to Louise for coming up with this little Gem!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ever wanted to be some else?

Some weeks we pull a card and give someone else's Elevator Speech . . . . sort of like pretending to be someone else, but for good reason. Recently someone asked if anyone could present on Identity Theft (pretending to be someone else for all the wrong reasons!!) . . . . which gave way to an interesting comment from Dee - if you have a Facebook account take your birth date off!

So, this week Steve Boyce gave an interesting overview of that topic. Unfortunately I had to leave early so I missed it, but I have heard it generated quite a discussion.

So, if anyone would like to fill in a little more info for those of us who missed it, please email me and I will update this week's piece.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

BBC Fall River Christmas Party

The Hostess with the Most-esst!! Thanks Catherine for hosting a great Party!

Music MAESTRO! Louise kept the party going for a while with many Christmas tunes - including a very different version of the 12 Days of Christmas - yes, Louise is quite the Entertainer.

What a handsome bunch - Blar (Lori's hubby); VJ (Louise's hubby); Jeff (Smiledog) and Bill (Advantage Frame)

For some reason the fourth seat seemed to be The Hot Seat -

Jonathan (Elle's hubby)'s turn . . .

Paul Butler was there too - I missed that shot.

And even the dogs got in on the act :)

Anybody else get any photos they want to share - send them to me and I will upload them.

Comments, anyone?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Network Meeting

This week's regular meeting was cancelled due to the Network Meeting @ Holiday Inn, hosted by the Halifax Club. Thnaks to Cory & co for putting on a Christmas themed event and getting us thinking about the "Worst Christmas Gift we ever got" - an interesting way to remember people!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Certificate in Small Business Creation

Louise asked for this information to be forwarded - Louise attended this program before starting up Kindermusik and is a wonderful testament to the course.

Dalhousie University College of Continuing Education is pleased to announce its new small business program – “The Certificate in Small Business Creation.” This innovative program is a comprehensive introduction to the field for those who wish to gain expertise in operating a small business.

Since 1993, through the Self Employment Program, the College has helped over 1,600 Service Canada clients successfully fulfill the dream of owning their own business.


Dawne Walker, Program Manager @ College of Continuing Education, Dalhousie University Small Business Programs - (902) 494-8837 -

Ideal Customer

It was a quiet meeting this morning, partly due to the fact that some of the group were Net-ing (networking without the work!) at the Please Take My Card Event last night which Lori & the team at AMI hosted. An excellent concept and a great turn-out for their first event in Halifax. Great job, Lori!

This morning, as part of our Elevator Speeches, people were asked to tell us about their Ideal Customer.

The responses were as follows:

  • Stephanie's ideal customer is someone who wants to be helped ie is willing to be actively involved in their rehabilitation, not expecting someone else to do all the work for them!

  • Jeff told us about a new customer - a Government department, to his surprise! Jeff's ideal is a company that already has a receptionist but who is dealing with other tasks also. Smiledog can deal with the overflow, cover lunch or simply free up a bit of time for the receptionist to get other work done also.

  • Jerry's ideal is someone with a wheelbarrow full of money that wants to buy tomorrow! He likes customers who are proactive and want to get things done.

  • Steve likes customers who are unsure of what they are doing . . . . as he likes the hands-on approach and enjoys helping people, for example first-time buyers; those who do not know about Wills; have no Estate Planning etc.

  • Marybeth's ideal customer is one with a disability/injury, indicating more than a one-off approach. MB would like to be able to develop a relationship over time to be more effective.

  • Deborah is looking for people with an upcoming event who want something different and no fixed idea as she enjoys the creative aspect of her job and putting ideas across.

  • Paul was very specific about his ideal - 6 feet tall, good-looking lady with lots of money. Now there's a man who knows what he is looking for :)

  • Liz wants customers with a need for photography on an on-going basis. She also showed us a picture she recently created - a very subtle photographic collage -a beautiful piece of art. More creativity being shown there.

  • Bill is looking for customers who are interested in the final product more so than the cost of it - the treasures of yesterday that can be preserved for tomorrow. Remember the christening robe shadow-box Bill showed us recently?

  • Angela's ideal is someone who is open to new ideas, who allows her the flexibility to be creative in getting their message out to the public.

  • Dolores is looking for people who want to look and feel good - men & women - as Dolores was this week's Speaker, she showed us some of the MK range including the new men's range. . . . something for everyone there - Ladies, Men & Teens.

  • Eleanor's ideal customer is Business Owners/Managers who are interested in learning new skills or improving existing ones to help develop their business as she will be running a series of workshops starting on November 30th.

Hopefully that gives us all a little more information about each other's customers & prospects. If we recognise them when we are out & about, we can bring in some quality referrals for each other. It may also get you thinking . . . . do you know who your Ideal Customer is?

That's about it for this week - don't forget there is no meeting next week (the 22nd) because of the Network event at Holiday Inn, Kearney Lake. See you there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lessons Learned

Some Words of Wisdom this week came from . . .

Steve who advised us to Always read the Contract . . . . Steve told a story about a client who didn't read the contract and paid the price!

Bill's Lesson was Patience Pays - especially where customers are concerned. . . . . A recent visitor to Advantage seemed unimpressed at the time yet returned with a number of items for framing, based on the patience & kindness of the staff (Joyce!).

Jeff's lesson was Persistence Pays . . . . . After smiling and shaking hands with many people at a recent event, Jeff was ready yo give up but decided to keep on going . . . the last person he smiled at and shook hands with was the one that paid off. He got a lead.

Other news this week
Joan is very excited to be an Official Travel Idol Partner! Joan did sent out an invite to all to so click here for a chance to win an All Inclusive Trip for two to Mexico or tickets to a Canadian Idol Concert - there is one here in Halifax this month on Nov. 20th.!

Happy Birthday Louise. Louise is turning 30 and doesn't look a day over 21 - must be the kids she hangs outwith that keep her looking & feeling young:)

We did not have a Speaker this week as Lynn was lined up for it but she has defected to the Halifax group! We miss you, Lynn!

Book of the Week ~ The E-Myth by Michael Gerber, dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. He walks you through the steps in the life of a business from entrepreneurial infancy, through adolescent growing pains, to the mature entrepreneurial perspective, the guiding light of all businesses that succeed. Available at Chapters and

Christmas Party

BBC Fall River Christmas Pot Luck Supper

@ Catherine Fitzsimmon's Place!

Saturday December 1st

More details to follow via email.

RSVPs would be appreciated

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Celtic New Year

Announcements/News This Week
Yes, some of you were warm when I posed the question, "Did anyone know what was special about November 1st?" It was in fact Celtic New Year, so HNY to you all!

Jeff was on form this morning as he showed off his Selling skills and his cool new Funky Wrap - if you weren't there, you missed a good show!

Angela and her team at The Laker are very proud of the fact that the ratings are in and their circulation figures are up - I didn't catch the actual figure, Angela, so let me know if you want it published.

Louise was in Halloween form but didn't sing her Bat song this week - saving it for the kids.

Janet picked up the All Saints/Souls theme and told us that Adelaide is the Patron Saint of Parents - a very fitting name for her establishment.

Marybeth explained to us how she has been helping kids in schools - just one more aspect of her target market.

Lori reminded us all to register for the Please Take My Card Event - remember you can't just turn up, you need to pre-register. All you have to do is ask a question.

Eleanor will be promoting her workshops very soon - thanks to all of you who returned the questionnaire.

Catherine wants us all to know she can pre-approve people for mortgages, so if you know anyone thinking of buying, they can lock in for 90 days with Catherine.

Stephanie brought copies of the latest Fall River Chiropractic newsletter - hot off the press with news about the clinic, sports tips and exercises.

Lynn will be 'visiting' the Halifax (BBC) Club for a few weeks and may be defecting - I mean moving - there. Lynn, we will miss you but we won't forget you - and we will save you a seat at the Christmas Party table.

Speaking of Christmas Party - Catherine Fitzsimmons has offered to host it. Thank You Catherine. We do have to pick a date though. Very hard to find one that suits everyone, so Friday November 30th is planned, but not confirmed. Please let me know if you can make it on the 30th, if not we are considering Dec 1st, 7th or 8th. If you have a preference, let me know asap.

This week's Speaker was Bill Munden (I got it right this week :)).
In addition to learning a little more about Bill himself and how he ended up here in Fall River; we learned about the services Bill & Joyce offer at Advantage Frame & Mirror. In addition to Custom Framing and Shadow Boxing (Bill brought along a few examples of both), Advantage F&M will be showcasing local artists starting in January. An excellent example of Joint Venturing. If you haven't already done so, drop in and Say Hi.

As usual, the benefit of learning about someone's business is so that we can bring in leads for people around the table, so make an effort to tell someone you know about Bill's business and bring in a referral next week.

Book(s) Of the Week
Check out Money, Meaning & Beyond - a great book just in print - excellent ideas for marketing your biz!

The 100 Year Lifestyle Bill mentioned that he wants to live to be 100. I believe this book is an excellent read if you are planning on doing the same - or anywhere near it!

Network Event
Anyone who has not let me know about their plans to attend (or not) the Network Event on November 21st, please do so asap. A simple 'Yay or Nay' is all that's requested!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Christmas is coming

Announcements/News This Week

We are pleased to announce that Stephanie is now an official member of the Breakfast Club. Even though she got the tight spot this morning I am sure we will see alot more of Stephanie and look forward to learning more about her business.

Angela and her team at the Laker won the Community Booster of the Year award at their Chamber of Commerce dinner this week! Any photos Angela?

Catherine is selling the idea of a Holiday Home - only 5% down . . . . sounds like a deal to me!

Steve brought a r referral to the table for Dee which was prompted by Dee's talk last week - proof positive that education work. The more we know about a person's business, the better chance we have of being able to refer others to them.

Bill was the first to mention Christmas this week - lots of gift ideas at Advantage Frame & Mirror - we'll hear more about that next week as Bill is our speaker.

Joan continued the Christmas theme. She can provide gift certs for travel/vacations. Janet & Dolores also echoed the Gift Cert idea for The Adelaide, also Dolores for Mary Kay.

Liz talked about the recent B2B Expo that Jeff had kindly provided tickets for. Liz got a great referral from a company who attended the Expo.

Jeff told us he got a great lesson in Networking 'properly'!! Another networking colleague of Jeff's introduced Jeff to some of his contacts at the Expo and Jeff has added 70 new contacts to his list. Now to convert some of those to customers.

Dee is off the West Coast for 2 weeks to see her Dad who is recovering from a recent operation. While she is away she wants us to remember any referrals for her will go into the IG draw with a chance to win $10,000. See previous entries for more details on this.

Boyd is catching his breath before the next busy time and will happily assist anyone who wants to reduce their income tax . . . . that should be an easy referral for alot of people!

Lori not only reminded us about the upcoming Pleasetakemycard event, she also brought in coupons for us all to register FOC (no income tax deduction there!). All you have to do is ask a question - check out the website if you haven't already - a great idea!

Marybeth had an interesting statistic - 78% of the population spend some/all of their working day a a desk, which usually implies a PC too and therefore are at risk of developing RSI. Prevention is better than cure, talk to MB about it.

Eleanor would like to thank all of you who returned the questionnaire regarding which workshops to run first . . . . watch this space for dates & more info over the next few weeks.

This weeks Speaker was Louise. I think Entertainer would be a better word than Speaker. As always, Louise brightened up our morning by getting us all singing & chanting. Celine was disappointed she didn’t get to join in! Louise is just back from Kindermusik Convention and is bursting with new ideas, games, toys, songs - just as well she got her voice back!! Take it easy, Wheezie - I think we could incorporate a regular weekly vocal workout.

Next week’s speaker is Bill Munden - it will be Bill's first time up and we are looking forward to hearing all about Advantage Frame & Mirror.


We had 20 referrals this week and Liz won the prize from Louise which is on order from Chapters!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Network Event

The next BBC Network Event is set for November 21st (it's a Wednesday) and we need to know who is going to attend! Looks like the majority of the Fall River Club are planning on attending so we will skip our Thursday meeting (22nd) that week - but we need numbers anyway. . . . so post a comemnt here or drop me an email by way of RSVP, please & thanks!

Time to Spare

Announcements/News This Week

This week was a first for me – a meeting that ended early!! 15 minutes to spare – no we were not missing half the group. We did have 16 for breakfast and thanks to Steve for time prompts; 90 second elevator speeches and a less-than-10 minute presentation by Dee we had time over!

Great to see Janet back at the table – with good news too! The Adelaide has been nominated for Halifax Chamber of Commerce New Business Award (2008). Well done Janet!

Janet also told us that The Adelaide is launching Respite Care in the Home – as if she isn’t busy enough!

Joan is encouraging us as always to spread our wings and fly to far-flung places like China – or anywhere – she’s not fussy, you name the pace and she’ll get you there.

Jerry wants us all to be on the look-out for a family that are willing to take over Bill’s Diner – as long as they are willing to put up with us every week – part of the deal!!

Angela reminded us about the Laker ad and prompted the new members to start thinking about their blurb so that when she contacts them with a looming deadline, they’ll be ready to hit the presses!

Marybeth brought jelly-beans for everyone! Suggesting that as we open them we consider how difficult such a seemingly simple task can be for some people – just one of the things an OT can help with.

Eleanor is looking for a little help with ideas for Workshops – she passed out a questionnaire which a few people passed back – if you get a chance please take a look and bring it back next week – only a short one! Your opinions are of great value. Thanks!

This week’s Speaker was Dee Govang.
Dee talked on the topic of (Ways of reducing) Taxation for Incorporated Businesses – I believe she referred to a program called a Corporate Insured Retirement Program – someone please correct me if necessary! Dee also talked about a reverse trade show concept which Dee will provide more details for, so watch this space, or ask Dee about it. Call her @ 423 8294 , Ext. 266.

Next week’s speaker is Louise MacDonald. Louise is singing & dancing in Chicago this week with 500 other Kindermusik teachers and is already excited about speaking to the group next week.

We had 16 referrals this week and Janet won the prize from Dee. Thanks Steve for bringing in your prize for Deborah – we are getting better at bringing them in on time - Thanks!

Referral Tip of the Week

Be remarkable.

No matter how mundane what you do might seem to you, there is always a way to make it remarkable. It can be as simple as a smile where you wouldn't expect it. I came across this example - A barber who invites his clients to visit in between haircuts to get a neck and sideburn trim at no extra cost. He also has bottles of cold water in the cooler and stacks of vintage magazines. He isn't cheap, he doesn't take reservations, and he always has a waiting line. Pure magic. And his wife always is driving a new luxury car. Just one example of how you can make your business stand out and that keeps people coming back (mind you I am sure he gives a good cut too!

Book of the Week ~ Life's Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth by Joe Vitale
I received this book as a gift this year and it’s one I just keep going back to. Including gems like: "When the world seems bleak, when you feel out of sorts, when your body feels tired and you mind seems wild, sometimes all you need is a good nap." A great one for the desk, nightstand, briefcase etc

Marybeth reminded us that Breakfast Dues are due! So, don't for get the cheque books next week if you are falling behind.

That’s it! Have a great week ~ LNR.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Paris in the Spring & Other Great Vacation Ideas

Announcements/News This Week

A great turn-out this week and everyone seemed to be in good form - must be the short week :) The theme this morning seemed to be Holidays/Vacation. Joan started that thread and a few people carried it on in their Elevator Speeches - I even convinced myself I want to go to Paris in the Spring - the Power of suggestion at work!!!

Dr. Stephanie Gray joined us this morning for breakfast. Stephanie & her husband own Fall River Chiropractic located at the Sobey's Plaza. We hope to see her again at our breakfast table.

We are delighted to welcome Liz Curran as a member. Liz is just back from Northern Ireland & Majorca and is suffering a holiday hangover!! I am sure we will hear more about Liz's Photography business over the next few weeks. Check out the link to Liz's site (Mind's Eye) on the side of the blog.

Other jet-setters include Jerry who is back from his trip to the UK and now looking for even more houses to sell; Joan is back from Jamaica and happy to be back at the breakfast table; Catherine was in Chicago and Boyd was in Newfoundland!!

Boyd told us a little more about his recent visit to Tax Court and Bill explained Shadow Boxing & Poster Mounting (services now available at Advantage Frame & Mirror).

Trade Shows: Jeff kindly brought in some tickets for the Chamber of Commerce B2B Expo next week and Lori reminded us about the AMI show (see last week's entry for details) coming up - she has a few tickets available - email her for details.

Marybeth sent her apologies, along with her Elevator Speech! Thanks MB. If you are unable to attend, please let me know and if we don't have your Elevator Speech on file, send me a copy so we can share it with the group in your absence.

Membership in Fall River Club is now at it's maximum capacity. We have a big group now and it is hard to get a balance between networking, having fun & getting the business done . . . . . any suggestions??

This week’s Speaker was me - Eleanor Seaman-Bolton.
Eleanor talked on the topic of her business ~ Coaching ~ explaining some of the services offered, including One-to-One Coaching, Workshops and Advice & Consulting for small businesses & Entrepreneurs. After offereing a few definitions of Coaching, the group were asked to do a short exercise on Goal Setting. Don't forget the 1-week offer - if you would like some help (advice/support/another point of view) with setting or achieving a goal within the next 7 days, call or email Eleanor

Next week’s speaker is Dee Govang. We need a speaker for November 1st - any volunteers?

We had 23 referrals this week and Lynn won the prize - a box of Irish handmade chocolates!! Notice she didn't offer to share them at breakfast :-)

Referral Tip of the Week
  • Reciprocate

Ask referrers (or potential referrers) how you might best refer them. Try to understand their business so you can describe it in a way that is likely to get them business (maybe you ask them for a copy of their elevator speech). If you think it might be helpful, plan a meeting with other members, have a coffee and a chat and find out what they do & how they do it.
Ask them to confirm your understanding. And, don't forget the obvious: Be sure you have their phone numbers, email addresses, and any other relevant details you'll need to pull off a referral.

Book of the Week ~ Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy
One of my favourite topics - only one of a multitude of books on this topic but I chose this one as Brian Tracy is one of my favourite authors! This book synthesizes the best and most practical techniques for setting and achieving personal and financial goals. Tracy explains the seven key elements of goal setting and the twelve steps necessary to accomplish them, encouraging readers to use their strengths to define their values and to align their abilities with the particular opportunities presented to them. More here

That’s it for this week! See you all at next week ~ LNR.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Congratulations Catherine

Congratulations to Catherine Fitzsimmons who completed the Chicago Marathon last Sunday in a time of 5:27:24! Note this time includes walking 5 miles due to the fact that the course was closed halfway.

Due to the heat index and higher than expected temperatures, city officials implemented a contingency plan, as a precautionary measure, and closed the Marathon course at the halfway point - those runners that had not reached the halfway point when it was closed were turned back.

Friday, October 5, 2007

A unique leadership workshop designed to enhance an individual’s ability to communicate and efficiently problem solve within their small business featuring
Randy MacKay of Sales Achievement Marketing
Randy combines his background experiences in social work and sales along with his certificate in Nero Linguistic Programming from MSVU to deliver this unique three hour workshop.
Supported by the NS Association of CBDCs, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, NS Office of Economic Development, Business Development Bank of Canada, CBDC Hants-Kings, Centre for Women in Business, Futureworx Job Search Centre, East Hants & Districts Chamber of Commerce, and the Hants RDA.

For more information or to register for this event, please contact Karen Donnelly, Regional Business Facilitator, Centre for Women in Business, MSVU at (902)223-3715 or
Hosted By: CBDC Hants-Kings & Centre for Women in Business
Date: Wednesday, October 24th, 2007
Time: 6 - 9 p.m.
Location: East Hants Sportsplex
1076 Highway 2, Lantz
“Refreshments to be provided”

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Newsletter # 5

Announcements/News This Week

Deborah brought Becky along as a guest this week. Becky is an artist who lives in Fall River and enjoys painting with a spatula rather than a brush :) It seems we made a positive impression on Becky, despite the fact I kept getting her name wrong!!! We hope to her again at our breakfast table.

Louise told us about her new Village program at Kindermusik for new-borns to 18 month olds.

Lori reminded us about the Please Take My Card event that AMI are hosting in November.

Jeff talked about the power of Advertising & Repetition. Works for Smiledog!

Dee reminded us that in addition to Financial Planning, she also offers Insurance and RESPs. The Investors Group Time to Dream contest is still running - based on last year, any entries have a 1-in-200(ish) chance of winning $10,000. What would you spend $10K on?

Congratulations to Katherine Larter who celebrates her 4th anniversary - here's hoping you have many more happy, successful years in business.

Great job on the Laker this month, Angela - some interesting articles & advertorials on some of our members. Great ads too - including Advantage Frame & Mirror!

Catherine Fitzsimmons is still running to Chicago!!! Let's hope she gets there in time for the marathon on Monday! Could someone please bring in a copy of the Chronicle-Herald for those of us that didn't see the article about Catherine. Found it online

Jerry & Annette are buying & selling and helping the migration from the UK to Canada. I know a few Irish people who might be interested in land in NS - plan a trip to the New Hibernia and I'll go along as your guide ;)

Finally, anybody know how to get Dave Cooper out of a tree? We look forward to seeeing more of David as the weather cools down a bit!

This week’s Speaker was Steve Boyce. Steve talked on the topic of Restrictive Covenants and was very well received judging by the number & quality of questions! And it may even have generated a new referral for Steve . . . .

The subject of Steve's talk was generated by a suggestion from one of the members - the power of suggestion, eh? If you would be interested in suggesting a topic to any of the members, post a comment here on the blog, or drop a note in the referral bag if you would prefer to remain anonymous!

Next week’s speaker is Eleanor.

BTW - When it's your turn to speak, please remember to bring a gift - believe it or not, it does motivate some people to generate a referral!

We had 6 referrals this week and Deborah won the prize which Steve will bring in next week.

Referral Tip of the Week ~ (I thought this would be appropriate for the weekend coming up!).
  • Thank people properly
At the very least, thank people who have referred you in a handwritten note. Some people send flowers, or take them out to lunch. Remember to reward the behaviours you want to have repeated.

Book of the Week ~ Count Your Blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love by John Demartini
In this book, Demartini draws on the wisdom of the ages, cutting-edge science, philosophy and his own personal and professional experiences. He reveals the connection between health and state of mind, the power of dreams and the importance of visualization. Through these principles, he presents a programme that he believes will transform the negativity of your fears and problems into positive actions so that you become a stronger, healthier, more balanced person in control of your own destiny. I haven't read this one myself but I have heard great things about Demartini.

That’s it for this week – Happy Thanksgiving!

See you all at next week ~ LNR.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Newsletter #4

Announcements/News This Week

Bill Munden of Advantage Mirror & Frame is now a ‘paid-up’ member of the club – if you haven’t already done so, please add Bill to your circulation list and business card holder.

Jerry & Annette Murphy are looking for houses to sell – so if you fancy a change of scenery, give Jerry a call.

Dee told us about the Time to Dream contest that is running at Investors Group. Be in with a chance of winning $10,000 by submitting a referral to IG before December 28th – or as Dee said, why stop at one, enter as any times as you like.

Boyd was all dressed up this for his second ever visit to Tax Court - on behalf of a client! Good Luck with that, Boyd.

Deborah is taking orders for Christmas cakes – get your orders in before end of November!

Speaking of Christmas, Dolores got the first Christmas advertisement in for Mary Kay - the latest edition of The Look is out now, so start your shopping there.

Holland Road School are holding their annual auction a little early this year – November 24th. If anyone is interested in donating an item for auction, Deborah will look after you. And if you are looking for a little Saturday night entertainment, Marybeth will be strutting her stuff at the auction, so maybe we can organise a group outing to support a local cause!!

Catherine is running in the Chicago Marathon on October 7th. We’ll be with you in spirit, sending positive vibes!

This week’s Speaker
Catherine Fitzsimmons spoke to us this morning about Beacon Score (credit ratings); benefits of a Homeline loan & the types of mortgages that are available through RBC.

Judging by the questions asked & the interest generated, we should all be able to look for a referral for Catherine over the next week.
For more information on any of the above, visit Catherine at her new office – 48 Fielding, Burnside, call her on 209 1066 or email

Next week’s speaker is STEVE.

We had 15 referrals this week and Jeff won the prize which Catherine brought in.

Referral Tip of the Week ~ 3-for-1

  • Deliver what you promise;
  • Do it when you promised;
  • Do it in the way you promised.

No explanation necessary!

Book of the Week ~ The Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create Life Balance Through Proven Principles, by James Arthur Ray
Success...the most sought after secret of the ages. For centuries science, religion, theology, psychology and sociology have tried to capture the true meaning of life and the path to its fulfillment. James Ray shows you that the most simple answers to your quest lie deep within you, like a lock, waiting to be opened by the right combination. . . . read more at

That’s it for this week – have a great week, enjoy the good weather and let me know if you have any other info you would like to add to the blog! Why not start a conversation - add a comment to the blog.

See you all at next week ~ LNR.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Newsletter #3

Great Job everyone! This week's Network event at Ashburn GC was a great success. Thanks for coming along – especially those who were there early to help out. I think everyone will agree it was an excellent event, lovely setting and a good group. I think we all learned a lot too!

A Big Thank-You to
Catherine for organising the venue & the Product Table;
Lori for organising Corey Poirier as our Speaker & taking photos;
Marybeth for looking after the door prizes;
Jeff for manning the front door;
Angela for co-hosting, organising place names & being time-keeper!
And all of you for mingling, mixing & networking

It was great to see a few referrals going across the groups this morning – 9 of the 16 referrals were cross-referrals i.e. to people outside their regular club. MaryBeth donated the Referral prize (an Ergonomic Assessment) and Jeff tried to give it away – not because he didn’t want it!! Thanks MB

Referral Tip of the Week ~Dress for success.
Dress and behave so the person you're asking is comfortable with having a friend or business associate contact you. Take a long look in the mirror. Do you look like success?

This morning was a great example of dressing for success! So many sharp-dressed men in that room this morning – no wonder I was blushing (and you all thought it was because of my unplanned joke!). And the women – well, don’t we always look good?

Book of the Week First Things First: To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave a Legacy

Stephen Covey along with A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca Merrill take a different approach to time management and look at priorities at the deepest level. By knowing what is first on your list, it allows you to focus on important work that provides huge benefits. This is a great one to listen to on tape.

I mention this book as it ties in with some of the things Corey mentioned this morning. Sharpening the Saw is one of the tools Stephen Covey teaches so if you like that example, check out this book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or any other of Covey’s stuff at

That’s it for this week – I hope you are all having a highly productive day!

See you all at Bill’s Diner next week ~ Speaker is Catherine Fitzsimmons.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Newsletter # 2

Originally in email format but posted to blog for Archiving!
Welcome to the Fall River BBC newsletter - my way of keeping you up to date with what happens each week at brekkie - just in case you missed something because you weren’t quite awake, or missed the meeting altogether!!
Thanks for the feedback so far – please continue to let me know what you think.


  • We have a full Executive again - Dolores has taken on the role of Vice-President for this term.
  • Dave Cooper had a handy tip for us all – watch out for trees that change colour earlier than others as it could be a sign of weakness in the tree. You know who to call if you need help taking them down before the wind does it for you!
  • Marybeth is passing on her networking tricks of the trade to her son Mitchell. During the recent Waverley Gold Rush celebrations, Mitchell played Fiddle at The Adelaide Open House and received 2 bookings from people who saw/heard him play.
  • Lori told us about AMI’s upcoming trade show - for more info.
  • Jeff is already branching out – he has secured a customer from Missouri in the US among his 5 new clients this week. Great work Jeff!

This Week’s Speaker
This week’s speaker was Lori Fougere. Lori is Atlantic Business Manager for AMI, a company based in Ontario. Lori did a great job telling us all about their project Fridge Friends - Canada’s Only Magnetic Pages. As we saw from the magnets Lori passed around, some of the members in the group have already adopted this form of advertising and – as per Jeff’s testimonial – have had results!

Now that we all know a little more about Lori’s business, please work on bringing in a referral for Lori next week. Email Lori or call her @ 576-2793 for more info.

Next week’s speaker
Catherine Fitzsimmons will be speaking on September 27th (the week after the Networking event).

This week we had 7 referrals. The winner of the Speaker gift this week was Jerry Murphy. Thanks Lori for bringing your gift in!
I forgot to mention in last week’s newsletter Dee Govang was the winner of the Speaker Gift - Joan has your gift Dee!


  • Next Thursday (Sept 20th) at the Ashburn Golf Club, Windsor Junction.
  • Please be early – anytime from 7am would be great!
  • Don’t forget your nametags, door prizes, referrals & practice your 30-second Elevator Speech!
  • Marybeth is looking after the door prizes so please present your gift(s) to MB as soon as you arrive. Please include your company information with your prizes – it’s for your benefit.
  • We are all ambassadors for the Fall River BBC so please mix & mingle – remember we are all there to Network, so don’t be shy!
  • And of course, bring along business cards & flyers/brochures for the Product Table. Catherine Fitzsimmons will be looking after that table so come early to get a good spot!
  • Finally – if you won’t be able to attend, please let me know. As of today, we are expecting all Fall River members with the exception of Jerry.

News This Week

This week we had another guest – Liz Curran is a Photographer and runs her own business called Mind’s Eye Images. We look forward to Liz joining us again when she returns from her vacation.

Bill Munden of Advantage Frame & Mirror returned this week and plans to join us on a regular basis.

Referral Tip of the week ~ Write down what you do.
If you don't have a good elevator speech, or if you haven't written it out clearly, chances are the people you ask for referrals won't know how to refer you. We all have one in the group but, once in a while, take the time to review it – how long is it? Does it defines your target market; describe the problems they have to have solved; and how you solve them? If not, it needs work!
And then be sure you write it down, so you can give people that written description. Then you'll know they have it right. We all know, if you want someone else to tout what you do, you'd best make sure they know what you do.

Book of the Week ~ The Power of Focus - How to Hit Your Business & Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt.
. . . This book reveals the proven techniques thousands of people have used to attain all of the money they wanted while living healthy, happy and balanced lives. The Power of Focus is a practical no-nonsense guide that shows readers how to reach their business, personal and financial goals without getting burned out in the process. . . .
There is also a Power of Focus for Women version – both books have been a part of my reference library for years – a source of info that I refer to time and time again.
Find out more at
If you would like to share a book recommendation, send me the info.

That’s it for this week – please send comments, suggestions, feedback to me.
See you all at Ashburn Golf Club next week ~ LNR.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Newsletter #1

Originally in email format but posted to blog for Archiving!
Welcome to the Fall River BBC newsletter - my way of keeping you up to date with what happens each week at brekkie - just in case you missed something because you weren’t quite awake, or missed the meeting altogether!!

Martha informed us that we will likely have to cap membership at 22/23 due to space restrictions. It was suggested that we start a waiting list for the Fall River BBC, so if you know anyone who is thinking of joining, get in there quick - we have 19 members as of today and are expecting all to renew this month!

This Week’s Speaker
Joan brought us to Europe this week and told us of the benefits of an ‘off-season’ trip to places like UK, Italy, and France for a price similar to that for a week down South. So, if you know anyone who wants to do their Christmas shopping abroad, or simply needs a vacation (no reasons required), contact Joan @ 835-0078 or 1-866-993-8333.
Next week’s speaker is Lori.

News This Week

  • This week Martha brought along a guest - Bill Munden is the new owner of Advantage Frame & Mirror in Fall River. We look forward to Bill joining us again for breakfast.
  • Waverley Gold Rush Days is on this weekend and it sounds a whole lot of fun. Drop into The Adelaide for their Open Day on Saturday at Noon, after catching Louise’s Pipe Band in the parade. Check out for more info.
  • Louise will miss the parade because she is back to school - her new term has started and it’s a full house at Kindermusik again.
  • One of AMI’s projects this year is to create awareness about food for High School kids - donations are welcome & you can donate your Recycling at the Plant near Windsor Junction. Call Lori @ 576-2793 for more info.
  • Catherine Fitzsimmons is officially back to work at her new office at 48 Fielding Ave in Burnside. Best of luck in your new space Catherine!
  • Dolores is looking for models for the next issue of the Mary Kay catalogue: The Look - only Jeff was brave enough to offer his services :)
  • Jeff’s son - Brandon Doyle – is Captain of the Lockview High Football Team - the Lockview SmileDogs??? First game is tonight (Thursday)

Referral Tip of the week
Keep it simple. If people can't easily repeat the words you use to describe your business & the benefits you offer, you will not fully realise your referral potential, no matter how well you do everything else.

Book of the Week - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
“A groundbreaking and life-changing work, finding validation in its thesis that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, happiness…”
One of my favourites at the moment - also available on DVD - for more info check out
If you would like to share a book recommendation, send me the info.

Thurs. Sept 20th 7:30–9.00 (am) at the Ashburn Golf Club, Windsor Junction.
Please let me know your status re attending ie Yes, No or Not Sure yet – we need an idea of numbers asap. Marybeth has kindly offered to collect/organise door prizes so please let MB know if you are contributing a prize. We will have a product table so don’t forget to bring biz cards, brochures etc.

That’s it for this week – I am still working on the layout so it may change a little week-to-week. Please send comments, suggestions, feedback to me.

If for any reason you do not wish to receive this newsletter, let me know!
See you all next week ~ LNR.