Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jingle Bells

I wish I had brought a video camera this morning! Some things will stay in your mind for a long time. The sight of 18 adults - never mind Business Owners/Execs!! - shaking Jingle Bells & singing is one of those.

What a laugh we had - well it is Christmas week.
Here is a sample of what went on.

This photo reminds me of a character from Dr Suess book :)

Twas the week before Christmas
- my version of a very famous story we all know!

Thanks to Everyone for getting in the Spirit

& a great big TY to Maestro Louise for supplying the Jingle Bells
and leading the singing
(see the previous post for the 12 Days of Christmas)

& TY to Joan too for bringing the camera!


See you on Jan 2nd

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