Sunday, December 2, 2007

BBC Fall River Christmas Party

The Hostess with the Most-esst!! Thanks Catherine for hosting a great Party!

Music MAESTRO! Louise kept the party going for a while with many Christmas tunes - including a very different version of the 12 Days of Christmas - yes, Louise is quite the Entertainer.

What a handsome bunch - Blar (Lori's hubby); VJ (Louise's hubby); Jeff (Smiledog) and Bill (Advantage Frame)

For some reason the fourth seat seemed to be The Hot Seat -

Jonathan (Elle's hubby)'s turn . . .

Paul Butler was there too - I missed that shot.

And even the dogs got in on the act :)

Anybody else get any photos they want to share - send them to me and I will upload them.

Comments, anyone?

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