Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jingle Bells

I wish I had brought a video camera this morning! Some things will stay in your mind for a long time. The sight of 18 adults - never mind Business Owners/Execs!! - shaking Jingle Bells & singing is one of those.

What a laugh we had - well it is Christmas week.
Here is a sample of what went on.

This photo reminds me of a character from Dr Suess book :)

Twas the week before Christmas
- my version of a very famous story we all know!

Thanks to Everyone for getting in the Spirit

& a great big TY to Maestro Louise for supplying the Jingle Bells
and leading the singing
(see the previous post for the 12 Days of Christmas)

& TY to Joan too for bringing the camera!


See you on Jan 2nd

12 Days of Christmas

On the 12th day of Christmas, I got from BBC:

12 Children Dancing;
11 Coaching Sessions;
10 Mutual Funds;
9 Hands-on Healers;
8 Cakes & Cosmetics;
7 Day Cruises;
6 Framed Photos;
5 Handymen;
4 Smiling Dogs;
3 Fridge Friends;
2 Laker Ads;

and a Lawyer for my Morgaged New Home!!!!!!

Many Thanks to Louise for coming up with this little Gem!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ever wanted to be some else?

Some weeks we pull a card and give someone else's Elevator Speech . . . . sort of like pretending to be someone else, but for good reason. Recently someone asked if anyone could present on Identity Theft (pretending to be someone else for all the wrong reasons!!) . . . . which gave way to an interesting comment from Dee - if you have a Facebook account take your birth date off!

So, this week Steve Boyce gave an interesting overview of that topic. Unfortunately I had to leave early so I missed it, but I have heard it generated quite a discussion.

So, if anyone would like to fill in a little more info for those of us who missed it, please email me and I will update this week's piece.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

BBC Fall River Christmas Party

The Hostess with the Most-esst!! Thanks Catherine for hosting a great Party!

Music MAESTRO! Louise kept the party going for a while with many Christmas tunes - including a very different version of the 12 Days of Christmas - yes, Louise is quite the Entertainer.

What a handsome bunch - Blar (Lori's hubby); VJ (Louise's hubby); Jeff (Smiledog) and Bill (Advantage Frame)

For some reason the fourth seat seemed to be The Hot Seat -

Jonathan (Elle's hubby)'s turn . . .

Paul Butler was there too - I missed that shot.

And even the dogs got in on the act :)

Anybody else get any photos they want to share - send them to me and I will upload them.

Comments, anyone?