Friday, February 22, 2008

El Presidente no longer!

Well, it's that time of the year again - a change is in the air. A new Executive means time for me to stand down and take a seat in the bleachers!!! I will have to relinquish my title of El Presidente :(

Having said that, it will nice to sit back and enjoy breakfast once again! I look forward to a different perspective as Steve Boyce takes over my role and Bill Munden takes up the VP role - after they get their tans topped up that is!!

I have really enjoyed the last year as VP & Pres and I have also learned alot from my time doing it. Thanks to everyone for your support, feedback and kind words; especially my fellow executive members - Marybeth, Lori & Dolores.

Question now is - do you want me to maintain the Fall River BBC Blog? I am willing to do so if the interest is there so let me know by voting at the top of this blog!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

BBC Jeopardy

A great big Thank You to the Dartmouth Business Breakfast Club for hosting a great Networking Event at the Holiday Inn Halifax Harbourview Hotel.

Great MC job Ed. BBC Jeopardy! was great fun - (who knew our members were so competitive!) Kevin, Anna, Helen & Catherine were super host/hostesses. A super location too. Speaking for our club - a great time was had by all!

Looking forward to visiting you guys at home for the double 90-second trade!

Thanks from all of us to all of you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Out of sight . . . .

. . . . but not out of mind!

Delighted to hear that Dee & Dana Govang arrived safe & sound in BC - a 6100 km drive to their new home! Rumour has it Dee has gone back to work, leaving Dana to unpack all the boxes. That's what I call a modern woman!

Keep in touch Dee.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Blogging for Business

Thank you to all of you who attended the Blogging Workshop last Friday - I had a great time and from the feedback I have got so far, you guys did too!

The Gold Star for Action goes to Jeff Doyle - within an hour of leaving the workshop Jeff had set up his own blog - check out the Smiledog Blog.

If you missed out, I am planning to run it again in March or April, so let me know if you are interested. To read more about the workshop click on the title above.

More Congratulations!

One Life Surf School and Spa takes Bronze in the New Business of the Year category at Halifax Chamber awards 2008.

One of the directors at One Life Surf is Caralee Murphy - Jerry Murphy's daughter I have been told. Congratulations Jerry - you must be very proud!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Well Done Janet

The Halifax Business Awards are intended to recognize those businesses and business people in Halifax who exemplify the best that our city has to offer: innovators who are willing to take chances, push the boundaries and stretch the limits for success.

Forty-nine businesses and business people were nominated for the 2008 awards show, which took place last night January 31, at the World Trade and Convention Centre.

And our very own Janet Ozon won Silver in the category of NEW BUSINESS OF THE YEAR for The Adelaide Respite Inn . Janet, I am sure I speak for all the group when I say we are proud of you, your achievements and we are delighted to be part of your community. Speaking for myself (shameless promotion here!) I have been priviledged to do some Coaching work with Janet and I look forward to hearing more great results in the future.

Well Done Janet!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Power of Change

It's amazing what change can do - last week we had our last meeting at Bill's Diner due to the fact that Celine has retired and hence Bill's Diner is closed! So we had to find a new venue. . . . and we did, thanks to a few suggestions (an example of great co-operation) and a bit of leg-work by Martha, we had our first meeting at the Waverly Legion yesterday.

What is amazing about that change (apart from the elbow room we now have) is the we had a full house - every single member of the club turned up for the meeting. Why amazing? It has never happened before. . . the power of change!

Or is due to the fact that it would have been Dee Govang's last meeting - if she had turned up!! Dee has been running back & forth across the country trying to organise her new life/job/house in Victoria BC as well as organise her old life/job/house in Halifax and was so exhausted she didn't make it to brekkie. Good Luck in BC Dee, we'll miss you! There's a lead for Joan - organise a breakfast meeting at Dee's place n Victoria sometime this year - any takers?

Another defector from the club is Angela, who has moved to the Corridor club to take Dana' s place - well it is a little closer to home!! Angela, we will of course miss you too but at least we will be able to drop in to The Laker/Weekly Press office to say Hi and we'll see you at Network events too!

The other side of that biscuit (reference to an old ad on Irish TV for Chocolate digestives - "There are two sides to every biscuit") is that we will officially welcome 2 new members next week - Gord Pye from Investors Group who is filling Dee's place and Joanne from The Weekly Press/Laker who is filling Angela's place.

In addition to welcoming Gord & Joanne, we are pleased to say Welcome to Becky Thompson, Artist, Oxford Oils; Denise MacKenzie, Corporate Sales, Empire Theatres and Angela Clow, Pathologist, Fall River Speech & Language Services.

Please remember feedback is a great communication tool - all feedback (good, bad or indifferent) is welcome, please post a comment or email any of the Executive or Martha with your comments.

See you next week @ The Legion!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Advantage Frame Open Day with (B)'Ecky Thompson"

A great example of a Joint Venture between local businesses (and BBC members) was seen recently at Advantage Frame & Gallery - Open Day with Becky Thompson.

If you didn't get a chance to drop in, you can do so until the end of the month to see Becky's art.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

Welcome back everyone! Great to see you all this morning.

As we start a New Year, we discussed our Goals for 2008 and how the group can help us achieve them. Some great plans for 2008. Remember - if you want 'help' (ie motivation, encouragement, a sounding board) implementing those goals, hiring a Life Coach is a great way to make sure you stay on track! Call me if you want more info.

This morning we were joined by a couple of new guests - Denise MacKenzie of Empire Theatres & Angela Clow of Fall River Speech & Language Services. We also had a return visit from Becky Thompson, a local Artist. We hope to see you all back at the breakfast table in the near future.

Dr. Stephanie Gray was our Speaker this morning. Stephanie spoke about her business - Fall River Chiropractic - which she runs with her husband Jason; told us a little bit about they got to be where they are now and demonstrated what she does. All I can say is if you missed it, it was great ;) Mind you, I am a little biased and no longer in pain!!! Now that we all have a better understanding of what Stephanie does, please work on a referral for Stephanie over the following weeks.

Mind you, we did run a little over time with the extended Elevator Speeches so we had to skip the referrals this morning. If you have a referral, please pass it on and submit the paperwork next week.

A New Year, new members, new ideas. All things to look forward to. Over the next few weeks we will hear from some of the newer members of the club. Lori has sent out the Speaker list for the next couple of months so please update your Member Info sheet and return asap.

And as the days start to get longer, it should be easier (!) to get up early so see you all bright & early next week, same time - same place.

Have a great week
President, Fall River BBC

Speaker Series: Jan - Apr 2008

Jan 3: Stephanie Gray - Fall River Chiropractic

Jan 10: Liz Curran - MindsEye Images

Jan 17: Lori Fougere - Funky Wraps

Jan 24: Mary Beth Flemming - Community Based OT

Jan 31: Planned Discussion - BBC Executive

Feb 7 : Angela Isenor - The Laker

Feb 14: Jerry Murphy - Remax Nova

Feb 21: Deborah Vanleer - VIP Cakes

Feb 28: Paul Butler - Handyman Services

Mar 6: Joan Ngan - TPI Travel

Mar 13: Louise MacDonald - Kindermusik with Louise

Mar 20: Catherine Fitzsimmons - RBC

Mar 27: Eleanor Seaman Bolton - LNR Coaching & Training

Apr 3: Dee Govang - Investors Group

Apr 10: Bill Munden -Advantage Frame & Mirror

Apr 17: Steve Boyce - Boyce's Law Office