Bill Munden of Advantage Mirror & Frame is now a ‘paid-up’ member of the club – if you haven’t already done so, please add Bill to your circulation list and business card holder.
Jerry & Annette Murphy are looking for houses to sell – so if you fancy a change of scenery, give Jerry a call.
Dee told us about the Time to Dream contest that is running at Investors Group. Be in with a chance of winning $10,000 by submitting a referral to IG before December 28th – or as Dee said, why stop at one, enter as any times as you like.
Boyd was all dressed up this for his second ever visit to Tax Court - on behalf of a client! Good Luck with that, Boyd.
Deborah is taking orders for Christmas cakes – get your orders in before end of November!
Speaking of Christmas, Dolores got the first Christmas advertisement in for Mary Kay - the latest edition of The Look is out now, so start your shopping there.
Holland Road School are holding their annual auction a little early this year – November 24th. If anyone is interested in donating an item for auction, Deborah will look after you. And if you are looking for a little Saturday night entertainment, Marybeth will be strutting her stuff at the auction, so maybe we can organise a group outing to support a local cause!!
Catherine is running in the Chicago Marathon on October 7th. We’ll be with you in spirit, sending positive vibes!
This week’s Speaker
Catherine Fitzsimmons spoke to us this morning about Beacon Score (credit ratings); benefits of a Homeline loan & the types of mortgages that are available through RBC.
Judging by the questions asked & the interest generated, we should all be able to look for a referral for Catherine over the next week.
For more information on any of the above, visit Catherine at her new office – 48 Fielding, Burnside, call her on 209 1066 or email
Next week’s speaker is STEVE.
We had 15 referrals this week and Jeff won the prize which Catherine brought in.
Referral Tip of the Week ~ 3-for-1
- Deliver what you promise;
- Do it when you promised;
- Do it in the way you promised.
No explanation necessary!
Book of the Week ~ The Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create Life Balance Through Proven Principles, by James Arthur Ray
Success...the most sought after secret of the ages. For centuries science, religion, theology, psychology and sociology have tried to capture the true meaning of life and the path to its fulfillment. James Ray shows you that the most simple answers to your quest lie deep within you, like a lock, waiting to be opened by the right combination. . . . read more at
That’s it for this week – have a great week, enjoy the good weather and let me know if you have any other info you would like to add to the blog! Why not start a conversation - add a comment to the blog.
See you all at next week ~ LNR.